Tall Crane Equipment Rebrands to Alimak Group

In 2022, Tall Crane Equipment was acquired by Alimak Group, a global provider of sustainable vertical access and working at height solutions. Alimak Group is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and is renowned for its brands, including Alimak, Scanclimber, Tractel, CoxGomyl, Manntech, and Avanti, which are recognised for their strong safety record, high quality, and …

alimak raise climber technical service inforomation.md

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Alimak provides permanent and temporary high quality elevators, construction hoists and work platforms built on rack and pinion and traction technologies. For over 70 years, Alimak has pioneered the vertical access industry, delivering …


Alimak genuine spare parts will ensure your systems run at optimal performance and efficiency. Years of uninterrupted service, with minimal breakdowns and safe operation are tangible benefits of using genuine Alimak parts, designed to keep equipment running at peak performance by reducing downtime and the costs of ownership.


Alimak lift gives emergency access in underground mine. Alimak designed and manufactured an industrial elevator for durability in challenging mining conditions for Voskhod-Oriel's Chromium Mine in Kazakhstan. The elevator has a payload of 1000 kg or capacity for nine passengers and reaches lifting heights of 204-metres.

Landing Equipment

Alimak's flexible, modular, reduced height landing gate system suits the entire Alimak product range of construction hoists, material hoists and transport platforms. All gates are CE marked and EU type approved according to EN 2006/42/EU and meets EN 12159 requirements for high speed hoists (>0.7 m/s).


Alimak Raise Climbing System, with several platforms and 858' of Rail. Equip yourself with the gold standard. 1-604-534-5313 ... Miscellaneous, Underground Mining. Description Description. Alimak Raise Climbing System, with …


Alimak provides permanent and temporary high quality elevators, construction hoists and work platforms built on rack and pinion and traction technologies. For over 70 years, Alimak has pioneered the vertical access industry, delivering vertical access solutions to meet the needs of a variety of construction and industrial projects around the world.


Alimak offers comprehensive-based training to support the safe operation, maintenance and installation of Alimak equipment as well as safe working practices. Alimak offers a wide range of training courses delivered through a mixture of classroom and online learning-based resources.


The post Woodsmith Mine appeared first on Alimak. Woodsmith Mine. The Oyu Tolgoi mine is a combined open pit and underground mining project located in the south Gobi Desert in Mongolia. Renowned as the most significant financial undertaking in the history of Mongolia, the mine is expected to produce over 450,000 tonnes of copper every year. ...


A true innovation in underground mining, the Alimak Mining Method provides the highest safety standards in the industry, while increasing productivity, adding greater flexibility and maneuverability, and reducing overall mining costs.

Alimak & Equipment Rentals – Moran Mining

As industry experts in Alimak raise mining our highly-trained labour force has developed custom Alimak equipment. Our comprehensive list of equipment can be rented or purchased for all …

Mining Accessories

Increases mining speed by 10% 20 : Archaic Powder: Increases mining speed by 15% 5% increased damage reduction and +10 defense while underground or in the underworld 80 : Ocean Crest: You recover air while standing still underwater 15% increased mining speed while wet 40 : Spelunker's Amulet: Spelunker effect and 10% increased mining speed 2 40


PT. MITRA TEKNIK MAKMUR Menyewa lift barang dengan kapasitas 1 hingga 2 ton merupakan solusi yang efektif untuk memindahkan barang-barang berat di lokasi konstruksi, gudang, atau pabrik. Lift barang ini dirancang untuk mengangkut material berat dan besar dengan aman ke berbagai tingkat bangunan. Jenis-jenis Keranjang: 1. Keranjang Single Cabin: -. Terdiri dari …

Alimak Production Mining

Narrow vein orebodies tend to have lower tonnages, making them more sensitive to excess development costs. There is significantly less waste development with raise mining than with regular open stoping for the following reasons: 1. The bulk of the waste development required with this method is the ore zone access and the rais…

New Equipment

NEW EQUIPMENT Alimak has a comprehensive range of new equipment for use in construction and industrial applications such as new construction projects, demolition, inspections, maintenance and facade work. The range of new products come available with a 12-month warranty and increased warranty offered at an attractive price. Alimak also offers financing …

A cut above

Alimak mining uses a specialized piece of equipment called a raise climber (or, casually, an "Alimak") to drive a raise upwards from the …

Elevating the Mining Industry to New Levels of …

Alimak's contribution to the mining industry goes beyond providing vertical access solutions. Its projects at the Aitik copper mine and Christmas Creek mine exemplify how integrating advanced elevators into …


Alimak need people who want to influence and make a difference. People with the desire to meet the needs of our customers but always with the goal of exceeding expectations. As an employee of Alimak Group, you become an …

Mining Development

Manroc Developments Inc. is recognized as a leading Alimak Mining contractor, working with major mining companies around the world. We succeed through our commitment to serving our clients' needs for safe, low-cost mining techniques, that yield high tonnage / low dilution results.

Used Equipment

Alimak's range of used equipment provides the ideal solution for construction and rental companies who require a reliable yet cost effective vertical access solution. The used equipment offering available from Alimak reduces inventory costs whilst creating access to high-quality robust and reliable vertical access products.

Mining Development

Manroc Developments Inc. is recognized as a leading Alimak Mining contractor, working with major mining companies around the world. We succeed through our commitment to serving …

Rack & Pinion Elevators, Construction Hoists and Work Platforms

Alimak provides permanent and temporary high quality elevators, construction hoists and work platforms built on rack and pinion and traction technologies. For over 70 years, Alimak has pioneered the vertical access industry, delivering vertical access solutions to meet the needs of a variety of construction and industrial projects around the world.

Moran Mining – Global Mining and Alimak Solutions

Moran Mining USA Inc. is an industry-leading mine contractor, specializing in Alimak raise mining. Based on over 38 years of experience from Moran Global, Our United States operations opened in 1999 with a team highly skilled in underground mine infrastructure. We are experts in completing a wide range of mining and construction projects safely ...

Used Equipment

The used equipment offering available from Alimak reduces inventory costs whilst creating access to high-quality robust and reliable vertical access products. Alimak used equipment includes product models of all ages, capacities and specifications. All equipment is regularly serviced and maintained for optimal performance and greater longevity.

best equipment for mining? | Hypixel Forums

best equipment for mining? Thread starter maxedAOTJ; Start date Jun 17, 2022 . Status Not open for further replies because of inactivity. M. maxedAOTJ Member. g40d. SkyBlock Artifact Member Joined Feb 1, 2022 Messages 10 Reaction score 0. Jun 17, 2022 #1 is there any specific equipment reforges/ equipment i should use? im talking gloves belts ...

Woodsmith Mine

A custom Alimak industrial elevator has been installed in the WoodSmith polyhalite mine in the North York Moors, UK. The mine extracts mineral from polyhalite, which is found deep underground and used as an agricultural fertiliser.


A range of comprehensive service and support solutions are available to owners and operators of Alimak vertical access equipment. Service maintenance agreements are tailored to meet the needs of equipment and can be implemented on an adhoc or long-term basis throughout the operational life of vertical access equipment.

Alimak underground mining equipment

Alimak underground mining equipment New and used Trusted sellers Currently in stock Quality construction equipment for sale at Machineryline

Mining News Archives

The facility is processing run-of-mine Upper Group 2 (UG2) ore from the Zandfontein underground operations. Eastern Platinum (Eastplats) has started […] Mining News ... ALIMAK MEDIA "To become the leading media company in Africa, revolutionizing the way the mining, engineering, and agricultural sectors connect and grow by providing ...

Used Mining Equipment

Browse our listings of mining equipment by selecting a category or by entering a keyword in the Equipment Search field. Equipment Search. Mobile; Dozers(32) Excavators(31) Graders(6) Haul Trucks(27) Loaders(17) Rotary Drills(1) Shovels(20) Other(31) Underground; Rock Bolters(1) Scissor Lifts(2) Scooptrams(11)

alimak mining equipment canada

Alimak's range of industry-leading vertical access solutions is designed to drive efficiency o n construction and industrial sites. Built on Alimak's pioneering rack and pinion and traction technolog ies, the range of vertical access products provide s practical and reliable access to work sites across an array of industries to ensure continuous flow of operations for enhanced …

Woodsmith Mine

A custom Alimak industrial elevator has been installed in the WoodSmith polyhalite mine in the North York Moors, UK. The mine extracts mineral from polyhalite, which is found deep underground and used as an agricultural fertiliser. The mineral is extracted 1,600 m below ground and transported up to 370 m below ground where it is […]


Alimak is the world's leading provider of rack and pinion vertical access equipment for both temporary and permanent installations. We provide high quality industrial elevators, construction hoists and work platforms built on …

eqiupment miniere alimak

eqiupment miniere alimak. ... The mine equipment fleet for the open pit includes six (6) 55tonne haul trucks, two (2) hydraulic excavators with 6 m3 buckets, two (2) diesel powered down the hole track drills that will drill 114 mm (") holes as well as a fleet of support and service equipment. Blasting will be carried out using bulk emulsion ...

The mining industry faces challenges in safety, efficiency

The mining industry faces challenges in safety, efficiency, and equipment reliability. Alimak addresses these issues by providing specialised industrial...

Equipment for raise mining

An assembly for raise mining or the like includes a drive support carrying a drive means (10) for driving the drive support along a guide (4). The guide is attached to the drift wall (2) and is succes ... Alimak AB (Skelleftea, SE) Primary Class: 175/86. Other Classes: 175/53 . International Classes: E21C41/00; E21D3/00; (IPC1-7 ...


Alimak has always delivered very high quality – it's the Mercedes of industrial elevators.. Through Alimak's strong network of local service partners, we can get assistance much quicker than what we could get from any competitor. That has saved us a great amount of time and reduced our service costs. Mauro Brambilla, Project Manager CR International, Italy