Corporate Social Responsibility Challenge in the Nickel …

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE HUMANITY & MANAGEMENT RESEARCH ISSN (print) 2833-2172, ISSN (online) 2833-2180 Volume 02 Issue 06 June 2023 DOI: 10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i6n13 Page No. 375-379 IJSSHMR, Volume 2 Issue 06 June 2023 Page 375

Nickel recovery and stabilization of nickel waste tailings

Nickel waste tailings are produced during the hydrometallurgical leaching of nickel – cobalt ore slurry with concentrated sulphuric acid. They are classified by the Toxicity Characteristic Leachin...

Sources of heavy metal contamination in Swedish wood waste …

To assess the average metal content of the pollution sources, it was assumed that they primarily originate from demolition and renovation wood waste flows (cf. Goldkuhl et al., 1994, The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 1996).According to available statistics, mainly for residential blocks, most demolition, refurbishment and renovation waste originates …

Exploring An Alternative Approach To Mine Waste …

ment of large-volume mine waste streams are required (Yellishetty et al. 2008). One alter-native approach to the land disposal of large-volume mine waste entails the re-allocation of these wastes as feedstock for other uses. Such an approach is aimed at simultaneously minimising the waste burden and maximis-

Sustainable practices in the management of mining waste: A …

Lèbre et al. (2017b) suggest a holistic approach to the mineral waste management with the prioritization order of 1) reduce, 2) reprocess, 3) downcycle and 4) …

Waste management in the mining industry of metals ores, …

A review of the world literature shows increasing interest in a mining waste management. Innovative solutions are constantly searched for, which will allow waste …

Topic: MEN. 11923 results were found. African Development Bank appoints director general for East Africa - October 18, 2024. Rwanda begins world's first clinical trial for treatme

Tailings Management

Nickel 28 is an innovative metals streaming and royalty company recognized for its leadership in developing a battery metals focused investment vehicle offering exposure to metals integral to key technologies of the electric vehicle and grid energy storage markets. With 98% of global cobalt supply mined as a byproduct of nickel and copper mining, prior to the launch of Nickel 28 in …

Electrical and electronic waste in Pakistan: the management …

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency defines E-waste as the disposed electrical or electronic items those are no ... Several research works have been reported in recent times focusing on the E-waste management system (Iqbal et al., 2015, Imran et al ... 81% nickel, 89% copper, 79% aluminum, and 83% zinc recovery has been reported ...

The multiple market-exposure of waste management …

1. Introduction This paper demonstrates that the business model (Magretta, 2002; Osterwalder et al., 2010; Zott et al., 2011) of Swedish municipally owned waste management companies (Corvellec et al., 2012) – i.e., how they generate their revenues (Plé et al., 2010) – leads them to be active on four different but interrelated markets.

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(PDF) Influence of the Trojan Nickel Mine on surface water …

The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of the waste rock dump at Trojan Nickel Mine on surface water quality. 1.2. Site description Mining of the sulphide bearing ore body at Trojan Nickel Mine which is located 90 km north of Harare (see Fig. 1), commenced in 1965, and the first nickel concentrates were produced in 1968.

Recovery of aluminum, vanadium, and nickel from waste …

The residual material was leached with 5% (v/v) sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4) in the presence of 15% (v/v) hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) to achieve maximum nickel dissolution, resulting in the recovery of 99% of aluminum as Al(OH) 3 with 99.8% purity and 99% of nickel as NiSO 4.6H 2 O.

Title: Narra Nickel Mining and Development Corp., Tesoro Mining …

Title: Narra Nickel Mining and Development Corp., Tesoro Mining and ...

Nickel recycling

Around 68% of all nickel available from consumer products is recycled and begins a new life cycle (reference year 2010); another 15% enters the carbon steel loop. However, around 17% still ends up in landfill, mainly in metal goods …

The Swedish producer responsibility for paper packaging: …

The motive behind these targets is primarily to attain the main aim of the legislation. Lindhqvist (2000) notes: "Collection and recycling targets are in these contexts secondary goals that are justifiable if they give the proper incentives for change of the products and product systems," (p. 129). In this paper, the definitions of the EC directive for packaging and …

Paving the way to cleaner nickel | Transport

Robust industrial and environmental policies are needed to ensure nickel's production becomes cleaner, including expanding nickel processing capacities in Europe, setting up mutually beneficial trade partnerships with …

Mining wastewater treatment technologies and resource …

Since some treatment technologies can generate highly toxic sludge and other waste products, the management of the generated waste was also considered. Some studies have focused on the treatment of wastewater at the laboratory level using the adsorption process. ... As, Zn, Al: Gold mine: Adsorption: 95.2, 93.7, 83.8 [117] Fe–Al bimetallic ...

Towards a Sustainable Mining Waste Management: An Ex

In addition, the use of chemicals and reagents in nickel analysis are generally hazardous and will need to be appropriately managed Therefore, the proposed waste management plan is geared towards ...

Reclamation toolkit challenges outdated waste rock solutions

The Waste2Place project, funded by Swedish Mining Innovation, is run by Frida Holst and Matt Baida of VAST Landscape Architecture. Together with ten partners from industry, experts and academia they attempt to address the long-term liability risk and, in many cases, costly ongoing maintenance, of current waste rock landform solutions.


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Thuso Dikgaka

Consultant/Director at Dikgaka Mining & Management Consultants · Experience: Dikgaka Mining & Management Consultants · Education: Technical University of Nova Scotia, Halifax · Location: Gaborone · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. ... Tati Nickel Mining Company - 2003-2008 Chief Mining Engineer - Tati Nickel Mining Company 2001-2003 ...


Sardinia 2017 / Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium / 2 - 6 October 2017 and aluminum, and their respective charges (+3), cause them to occupy more active sites than

Current technologies for recovery of metals from industrial …

For example, in Sweden, the boiler companies and the Swedish Energy Agency have funded a research programme to encourage the use of non-coal ash (Ribbing, 2007). Scientists, engineers, and researchers have offered an alternative solution for a better solid waste management by recovering the metals present in such solid wastes.

Research using nickel laterite mine waste with

Nickel laterite mining is one of the sources of nickel-iron material used for producing steel and various materials. This mining activity leaves waste in the mine, including rocks, overburden ...

Mining Magazine on LinkedIn: Swedish copper mine set for …

#Swedish copper mine set for sustainable revival as Copperstone Resources AB and AFRY join hands, writes Munira Rajkotwalla. "Society is changing towards…

Nickel recycling

Nickel in a circular economy. The concept of a circular economy is generally understood to be "a regenerative system in which resource input and waste, emission, and energy leakage are minimised by slowing, closing, and narrowing energy and material loops.This can be achieved through long lasting design, maintenance, repair, reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishing, and …

Expanding roles for the Swedish waste management sector …

A few examples of individual innovative relationships are: the use of coal fly ash as a binding agent in construction materials (Theissing, 1984), the creation of protein-rich feed or fuel from organic waste (Cičková et al., 2014), the use of surplus industrial heat in external organizations' production processes (Chae et al ...

Nickel recovery and stabilization of nickel waste tailings

This study demonstrates that Ligmet™, a stabilizer formulated from ferric – lignin derivatives, has significant nickel-adsorption capabilities allowing it to significantly immobilize …